The principal tasks of the CBAThe principal tasks of the CBA, as stipulated in the Central Bank Ordinance (A.B. 1991 No. GT 32), are to:
The Monetary Policy of the CBA
The Centrale Bank van Aruba has a fixed exchange regime and there are several instruments available for the effective execution of its monetary policy. One of its most important instruments is the reserve requirement, which is used to either mop up from or inject liquidity into the banking sector to ultimately promote financial stability.
The monetary policy decision to either increase or decrease the reserve requirement is based on the continuous monitoring and sound analysis of several key economic and financial indicators. These include, e.g., the adequacy of international reserves, the current account coverage ratio, short-term and medium-term economic growth forecasts, inflation trends, tourism foreign exchange earnings, credit developments, commercial bank liquidity, and the government financial operations.
ActivitiesThe Bank performs these tasks through a variety of activities, which include: